Sunday, July 6, 2008


Sorry that I havn't left a post for a while, I haven't had access to a computer.

We had a great time in Bordeaux the weather was perfect! We went to the beach with our friend Pierre-henry first he took us to see the Dune de Pilat, the tallest sand dune in Europe, afterwards he took us to have swim in the ocean, it was freezing!

Sorry to everyone asking for pictures of squirrels sadly we didn't see any in Bordeaux.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Alps and Roman Ruins

A few days ago I went to the French Alps and saw the largest moutain in France Mount Blanc and to get to the top of the mountain we had to go on a cablecar. On the very top of the mountain there is snow every where. After lunch we went on a glacier walk it was amazing, the whole ground was made of ice. Inside the glacier it was freezing we had to wear great big poofy jackets there was also alot of ice sculptures. A few days before we went to the alps we saw a Roman Ampitheatre and it was HUGE. Down at the stage there were some people singing a Roman song. On another trip we saw some amazing Roman aquaducts.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Food in France qnd some castles too

Hi everyone I am posting some pictures of the great food we have been eating and some castles we have visited. The one that is being built is Guedelon. On the way to Guedelon we also visited a bridge that was actually a canal too and it was built by Eiffel.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

LENTILLY (continued)

It is great to see that so many people have been checking my blog. I have just gotten back from a castle called Geadlon, there they are building it as if it is still the middle ages so they have jobs that used back then like a blacksmith,masons,carpenters,tilers or ropemakers. My uncle Phillip works there as a mason. There is also a farm there with cute little piggys that are short and fat.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We have had a great time in France so far. The food is AMAZING! We are staying with my French aunty Sylvie and my cousins Mathilde and Marjolaine. The weather has been cold and rainy but at last it is sunny. We have picked lots of fruit from the garden like strawberries, cherries and raspberries. Yesterday we went shopping and went on a subway in Lyon and it had no driver!!

Friday, June 13, 2008


We have just arrived in Regensburg 2 days ago. We are staying at our friend Laila's house on the Regen River. Laila has 2 kids and they are really cute! We have already been to see the old city, its really beautiful.

I also saw some ruins of the original Roman town.

My finger has finally recovered after being attacked by a giant beetle, while in Finsterlor.

We have been watching lots of football, sadly the Germans lost 2:1 to Croatia.

If anyone out there is reading this please make a comment.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


We just arrived in Rothenburg. We're staying in our relatives' house. Yesterday we went the Altstadt (old town) in Rothenburg and it was full of crazy shops. The old town is made out of stone and wood and cobblestones. There is a wall around the whole town which makes it a citadel. It was interesting because it is so old.


We had a great time in Tokyo (even though we were only there for one night) I saw alot of funny signs like JOY parking, car shop friends and we hope you make a happy selection for yourself. We also went to a Japanese temple and it was HUGE! and infront of it was a pond ful of turtles (408).

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thats right I've got my head stuck in a dinosaur! It wasn't much of a fight it was to small to swallow me! It was skulking around a national park near Maleny.

Monday, April 28, 2008

First blog!

Hi! My name is Serge and I'm 10 years old. Soon I'll be travelling from my home in Australia to visit family and friends in Germany, France and England. We'll also be stopping in Japan for a little while. I'm setting up this blog to keep in contact with my school teachers and friends while I'm away.