Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We have had a great time in France so far. The food is AMAZING! We are staying with my French aunty Sylvie and my cousins Mathilde and Marjolaine. The weather has been cold and rainy but at last it is sunny. We have picked lots of fruit from the garden like strawberries, cherries and raspberries. Yesterday we went shopping and went on a subway in Lyon and it had no driver!!


Amy said...

How COOL! that must be fun picking fruit in the garden. Tell me about some of the awesome food you have been eating?
I will REMIND your teacher and friends on Friday at netball to have a look at your blog, cause my junior C team is playing against your school team in the finals!! Thats awesome! They were a really hard team last time, and I reckon it'll be a tough game. I'll keep you posted.
WE MISS YOU. KISSES TO ELODIE, & your mum and dad too i guess.
Victor and I were playing with Ruby and Scruff at Grandmas today, they're happy but missing you.

(vvvvvvvvvvvvv - Victor did that, he calls the V a "give way" sign)
xxxxx (I did that!)

Unknown said...

Some good photo's Serge.

I am glad you are having a great time. We have 4 netball teams and one soccer team in the finals.

The inter-school sports day is tomorrow, Thursday, at Toogoolawah.

Email me your address so I can look at where you are staying on Google Maps. I have been doing that with my brother who is visiting England.


Meme said...

Eat lots of cherries for me Serge! It is one of my favorite fruit.
Yes I know, the subway in France got no drivers, it is to try to get rid of a few tourists...
Try the "Pain au chocolat" for me and don't forget to pat the wild pigs when you go to Guedelon!
Kisses and cuddles, I miss you

Unknown said...

Hi Serge,

We are just back from sport. The Year 7 girls and the Year 6 team won their games. The 6/7 soccer team also won their game.

Hope you are having fun and seeing lots of interesting things.

Mrs K.

Hi Serge,
I'm hearing you are having fun discovering new foods. When I went to France I put on 5 kilos becaus of all the great new tastes.
keep in touch, the kids will write next week.
Mrs P.

Unknown said...

hey serge whats up. Don't tell me, I've already read your whole blog. It's disapointing that Germany lost to Croatia. Waht's up with the picture of your thumb.

Lucas and Elmi

Amy L-F said...

HEY Serge,
I forgot my password to the other amy blogger account, so I made a new one.
Fervale beat us at netball today, it was such an awesome game! All the girls played really really well, and my kids were exhausted afterwards! Your teacher was very kind and loaned me a whistle, because I left mine on my desk! I ALWAYS have it around my neck, and the one time I REALLY needed it! What a dag I am. (Don't answer that)
Victor says hello. He asked to have a sleep over at yours and Elodie's place this weekend.
Grandad bought a remote controlled model helicopter and Victor has been having fun flying it and trying to land it on the pool table. Needless to say, Grandad is awesome at flying it, Vic just crashes into things!
I have a student your age who has gone overseas and I've also set up a blog for him. Are you enjoying doing this? My class are setting him little tasks, and the one for this week was to take a photo of an unusual food for us to see. Maybe you could do it too!

rach said...

HEY SERGIO!!!!!!!!!!!!

how are you? have you had a good time so far? how was japan? you have taken some pretty cool photos and what happened to your finger? i wish i had some of those cherries! i am so jealous!!! all the robertsons miss you. and one more thing... I GOT ON THE IPSWICH SOFTBALL TEAM!!!

xxxx rach

ps. take a picture of a squirrel for me!

pps. lots of love to you and your family!